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What is Safetypass?

SafetyPass qualification management system developed by Redicom Oy. It's primary made for HR-departments to have have easy overview of all needed qualifications of employees. It shows which employees are in need of new education or it gives warnings when qualifications are expiring.

My contribution

Landing Page

Safetypass landing page was completely my project. First I did the design of it with Figma and then I did HTML+CSS mockup using Tailwind CSS. Next I made the working version with Laravel Livewire and Alpine.js. It was my first time working in production app with these tools and they provide really fast and easy way set up this kind of landing page. I could test all functionalities with PHPUnit and there is no hassle with frontend compiling and bundling.

Mobile Application

Safetypass iOS application was also completely my project, I did the design in Figma again and then I used UI Kitten to make layout for the React Native project, which handled byExpo in managed workflow mode. Interesting part of the application was communication between two phones, where user1 can scan a QR-code from user2’s application, then user2 is asked permission to give some qualifications to user1 which will see the qualification status if permission was given.


Safetypass API is using Laravel based REST-api and Swagger documentation so that end users can test APIs before production usage. It is using Laravel Passport tokens for authentication.

Azure AD OAuth authentication

I did also integration for Azure AD users to sign-in to SafetyPass using OAuth.


I configured the Gitlab CI pipelines for automated testing and publishing of staging and production installations with no downtime using Laravel Envoy.